Cats Tear Up Carpet On Stairs Naturally!

If you start to notice a small tear on your stairs carpet and over time it tends to get bigger and bigger, your first thought might be “something must be wrong with this carpet!” or “my shoes or someones shoes must be getting caught and making the...

Another House Full Of Cat Damaged Carpet

This time a couple cats got stuck in a room and couldn’t get out.  It’s common that an animal can sometimes close doors and when the owners gone they have no way out and will panic.  They are very much like kids, except they will dig and try to find a way...

Indianapolis Cat Carpet Damage

Cats Tear Up Carpet, Looking for Mice (?) Joe had been to this house before and put a beautiful patch in.  The crazy cats had the notion that their owner needed to “pay again” to repair the carpet so they begin to dig and tear and actually re-dug up the...

Greenwood Carpet Pet Damage

Nervous Dog Tore Hole In Carpet Dogs have the tendency to dig, chew and growl at anything that makes them nervous.  We got a call from an owner of one such dog… nothing wrong with the dog, just a little nervous and looking for a way to “dig” his way...