by rodney | Jul 13, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
The tenant of the apartment where this repair was done was a puppet maker and while working she accidentally spilled some glue on the carpet. Solenoid glue is a fast acting and fast drying glue, so before she knew what happened the glue was dried leaving a homely...
by rodney | Jul 11, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
This repair was fairly simple. It was a long level pile carpet so it repaired very nicely. Cats can’t appreciate fine carpets so they tend to carelessly tear them up when they’re feeling in a bad mood. This cat was definitely in a bad mood this day. As you...
by rodney | Jul 8, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Berber can be a touchy subject for many homeowners. Although the pattern is beautiful to the eye it can be a pain in many situations. This Berber Carpet Damage in Fishers, IN is the result of high traffic over a clampdown transition. In other words, the carpet pulled...
by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Another cat, this time in Noblesville decided to make it’s litter box the parents closet. The problem is when it’s a litter box, and its carpet, the urine sinks all the way down into the subfloor or wood or concrete or whatever is under there:...
by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
A couple cats got locked in a room in an Indianapolis home and tried to ‘claw’ their way out by digging through the nice carpet on the floor: Our rescuer, Joe VH went out and removed the entire piece that was torn and replaced it with a leftover piece the...