by rodney | Apr 19, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Dog Damage Franklin The poor dog locked herself in a room by accident and tore a hole in the carpet 2 feet out by 4 feet wide. I suppose she was trying to dig herself out of a predicament. Indianapolis Carpet Repair showed up and rescued not only the dog but the...
by rodney | Apr 12, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Zionsville Hallway Carpet Restretch We’ve seen so many carpets that after years of use (and sometimes installed incorrectly) they begin to bubble up and bump and lump in different places. Indianapolis Carpet Repair can go in and POWER STRETCH the carpet from...
by rodney | Apr 11, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Broadripple Carpet to Wood Floor Transition One of the nice things about getting new carpet or new wood flooring is someone who is able to come out and make the ‘transition’ a smooth and pretty one. Joe VanHoogstraat has all the skills to take any...
by rodney | Apr 11, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Joe went to a couples house that had some major damage done by their dog. He got down and went straight to work and fixed it good…check it out: Dog Carpet Damage Indianapolis
by rodney | Mar 29, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Lakeshore Apt Carpet Repair by Indianapolis Carpet Repair Joe got another call from a guy who said his dog must have been hungry and ate two very large pieces out of the carpet…and in their apartment! Bummer… Again Joe went in with his handy dandy master...