by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Another cat, this time in Noblesville decided to make it’s litter box the parents closet. The problem is when it’s a litter box, and its carpet, the urine sinks all the way down into the subfloor or wood or concrete or whatever is under there:...
by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
A couple cats got locked in a room in an Indianapolis home and tried to ‘claw’ their way out by digging through the nice carpet on the floor: Our rescuer, Joe VH went out and removed the entire piece that was torn and replaced it with a leftover piece the...
by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
If animals don’t have proper access to their ‘place to go’ they will find a place in the house and consider that their new ‘spot’. This closet was one of those places for a cat to turn into her litter box: Joe went out and removed a...
by rodney | Apr 10, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
We get calls from clients who have all kinds of different carpets. Often times shag carpet gets torn up with snags or chewed on by animals and big and small patches result: Joe went in with the right tools and cut out the bad spots and replaced them with the matching...
by rodney | Apr 10, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
We get calls almost every week from homeowners, and pet owners, who love their animals but are disturbed that their buddy can’t figure out how to keep the carpet looking nice: We specialize in transitions between tile or wood and carpeting and are careful to...