by rodney | Apr 28, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Another cat, this time in Noblesville decided to make it’s litter box the parents closet. The problem is when it’s a litter box, and its carpet, the urine sinks all the way down into the subfloor or wood or concrete or whatever is under there:...
by rodney | Mar 12, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
When the top to your bleach container comes loose it is very possible spills will occur. For Indianapolis Carpet Repair, no amount of bleach is too much! We are capable of repairing any type of stain but bleach is by far a favorite. Though the replacement carpet my be...
by rodney | Feb 25, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Bleach bleach bleach… The household cleaner that gives owners a headache. Too much and it will literally! This Large Bleach Stain Repair in Indianapolis is an example of bleach on a white carpet. The effects of this chemical are detrimental to carpet. When most...
by rodney | Feb 5, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Stains happen. Its one of the inevitable things in life. If you buy carpet, eventually you’ll end up with a stain. We are put at ease however, because we know that a good steam clean can get it out. Sometimes stains are more stubborn than a child in his terrible...
by rodney | Feb 2, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Bleach is an incredible disinfectant and cleaner for many things. Carpet, however, is not one of those things. Patterned carpets can be tricky as well but with the right tools and experience we at Indianapolis Carpet Repair can fix it! This Bleach Stain in Fishers, IN...