Carpet Repair Indianapolis

Indianapolis Whole House Carpet Repair and Stretch Indianapolis Carpet Repair got a call from a homeowner that needed their carpet ‘house-wide’ repaired and restretched.  The first part of the house had a beautiful white carpet that had bubbles/bumps...

Dog Damage Franklin

Dog Damage Franklin The poor dog locked herself in a room by accident and tore a hole in the carpet 2 feet out by 4 feet wide.  I suppose she was trying to dig herself out of a predicament. Indianapolis Carpet Repair showed up and rescued not only the dog but the...

Zionsville Hallway Carpet Restretch

Zionsville Hallway Carpet Restretch We’ve seen so many carpets that after years of use (and sometimes installed incorrectly) they begin to bubble up and bump and lump in different places.  Indianapolis Carpet Repair can go in and POWER STRETCH the carpet from...

Berber Carpet Stains in Carmel

Carpet Stains Sometimes Need Cut Out! Joe went to inspect a house that had some pretty ugly carpet stains.  Sometimes it’s impossible to clean or remove the spots so they have to be cut out.  Check out these before and after photos of the work that Joe...