by rodney | Mar 5, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Got a call from a customer who is getting ready to sell their house in beautiful Franklin, IN. They had a nice living room of Berber that was all bubbled up in the middle and very loose. I took off the wood floor divider between the hallway and the living room and...
by rodney | Mar 2, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Noblesville Shag Carpet Burn Repair Someone was sharing in my wife’s office at Riverview Hospital about how she ‘dropped an iron and burned her shag carpet’…my wife said “my husband can fix that!” I went to their house and...
by rodney | Feb 27, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Carmel Water Damage Berber Repair Joe and I went to a beautiful home in Carmel, IN to see what the damage was. There were two very long snags that had been ripped out of one line in the den and guest bedroom in the basement. Also with water damage in the closet,...
by rodney | Feb 23, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Notice the plates… “In God We Trust”…. and yes we do!
by rodney | Feb 22, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Joe and I went downtown last night and helped an awesome couple by restretching their living room carpet. They also had a hole in the seam of their Berber that we patched together. Not an easy task considering this was older Berber, but with time and care we were...