by rodney | Feb 17, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Muncie College Students Dog Ate the Carpet I drove up to Muncie, IN today to see what kind of damage this students little dog had done to her bedroom floor. Right where the door would have closed it looked like the dog had tried to escape by digging a hole...
by rodney | Feb 14, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
While cooking one night my customer spilled grease all over the carpet….sure glad he threw the pan out back into the Lake!! Here’s the stains before the repair… We went in and cut out the ugliness and replaced it with some fresh carpet…. good...
by rodney | Feb 3, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
We went to a beautiful house in Carmel, IN and fixed 8 snags of all sizes on both the first and second floors. The work was very extensive. Berber is a wonderful carpet; easy on the feet and the eyes but not always easy to fix. There’s a lot of cutting and...