by rodney | Oct 18, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Got a call from a customer whose animal went ballistic and tore into the carpet at a transition point: For some reason animals love to dig around doors. So Joe went out and viewed the situation and within 15 minutes had the carpet back to a reasonable expectation:...
by rodney | Oct 18, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
When Joe showed up this little dude was looking aweful guilty. He had dug outside the bedroom door wanting to get in and probably sleep on the bed: Joe thanked the bad boy for digging a hole and giving him some new biz and proceeded to go to work to make it look like...
by rodney | Sep 3, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
About once a week we get a call from a client who has spilled some chemicals on their carpet. 99% of the time these are accidents (1% of the time they try to use chemicals to clean the carpet). It’s usually bleach next to a laundry room or a kitchen or...
by rodney | Sep 3, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
When the movers were moving our client and moving furniture over the Berber carpet, the inevitable happened: SNAG! Berber is a tricky beast! It’s very finely woven up and down a seam and, unless you have the right tools, you will end up grabbing the snag and...
by rodney | Sep 3, 2012 | Recent Repair Jobs
Our client called saying that he tried to clean a stain out of his carpet using ‘toilet bowl cleaner’. The problem is two-fold: first of all toilet bowl cleaner is super corrosive and will literally eat it’s way through whatever you put it on...