by rodney | Aug 19, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Doorways can be a tough situation when it comes to carpet restretching. Sometimes you have to break the seams in other doorways in order to get the proper stretch. The stretch in this fall creek home was easy, though. No seam breaking required. Doorways are high...
by rodney | Aug 19, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Animals are sneaky little creatures sometimes. You never know where they’ve slipped off to and sometimes they’re in the room with you and you don’t even know it. Let’s face it, sometimes they get trapped in a room you were just in because you...
by rodney | Aug 19, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
You can tell a lot about a house’s quality by the way the carpets are taken care of. Some people don’t feel it’s necessary to keep up with carpet maintenance; but one thing is for sure, and that’s that people take notice of how well your carpet...
by rodney | Jul 16, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Stress in cats can come from a variety of factors. These can include: moving to a new residence, getting new family members, a new job or other changes in the daily routine, loud parties or noises, and the view through the window. Needless to say, reducing the stress...
by rodney | Jul 16, 2013 | Recent Repair Jobs
Delamination is probably the most serious problem that can occur with the backing of a carpet. Delamination is the separation of the carpets secondary backing from its primary back. If the primary and secondary backing are not securely attached they can...